Please note that this website cookies are used only for the purpose of executing the navigation own electronic communications, and in order to provide or enable the services or functionality by you requested. These cookies:

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• Increase the safety of navigation on our website

• Allow navigation is made easier

• They enable playback of multimedia content

This website also uses its own cookies, designed to collect information about users’ browsing on the site completely anonymously and dissociated with strictly statistical purposes and to improve its functionality, its use allows us to:

• Knowing the number of visitors to our website

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Used cookies

uncodeAI.cssNecessarySite own SessionThis technical cookie contain runtime informations about the viewport and screen resolution, these datas are used on any page refresh to calculate the correct Adaptive Images. More info ( )
uncodeAI.screenNecessarySite own SessionThis technical cookie contain runtime informations about the viewport and screen resolution, these datas are used on any page refresh to calculate the correct Adaptive Images. More info ( )
uncodeAI.imagesNecessarySite own SessionThis technical cookie contain runtime informations about the viewport and screen resolution, these datas are used on any page refresh to calculate the correct Adaptive Images. More info ( )
uncode_privacy [consent_types]NecessarySite own 30 daysThis cookie keeps track of your privacy settings. None contains personal information.
wp_woocommerce_session_<session_id>NecessarySite own 2 daysNecessary for the WooCommerce runtime.
woocommerce_items_in_cartNecessarySite own SessionNecessary to store elements in the shopping cart.
woocommerce_cart_hashNecessarySite own SessionNecessary to store elements in the shopping cart.
_icl_visitor_lang_jsNecessarySite own 1 dayNecessary for WPML performance to offer the website in multiple languages.
wpml_browser_redirect_testNecessarySite own SessionNecessary for WPML performance to offer the website in multiple languages.
pd_ccNecessarySite own 1 yearIt keeps the cookies consent set by the user.
JSESSIONIDNecessary3rd party SessionUsed by the reservation tool offered by eltenedor.
_gaGoogle Analytics3rd party 2 yearsThis cookie installs Google Analytics to measure visits, sessions and campaigns so that website usage by end users can be tracked. It stores anonymous information linked to random number to identify different users.
_gat_gtag_UA_134357544_1Google Analytics3rd party 1 minuteUsed by Google Analytics to store a unique user ID.
_gidGoogle Analytics3rd party 2 díasUsed by Google Analytics to count and track pageviews.